Dec 18, 2023
Jul 18, 2023
Dr. Cynthia Stuen, is the Main Representative from The International Federation On Ageing to the United Nations, the Chair of the NGO New York Committee On Ageing, and a leader in advocacy for Human Rights of older adults. Doctor Stuen gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group On...
Jun 27, 2023
Jeff Rubin is the author of Wisdom of Age and the seminal video series Senior Moments. I speak with a true visionary and artist on what it means to be older, how we see ourselves and others, and why ageism is so "sticky." Can we ever escape from our age-essential attitudes? How do we transcend our self-age prejudices?...
Jun 13, 2023
Since the Generation Bold Podcast aired six years ago, partially because of Covid and partially because the baby boomers are aging, we have all taken a fresh look at senior residential communities, from past failures to the new, uplifting way they offer care.
Kin Village displays all the attributes of the latest trends...
May 30, 2023
Pat Samples opens your creativity, helps you redefine your role in the world, by squarely addressing issues like the environment, spirituality, and self-care. There's a lot of myths and truths about our own creativity as we age. It isn't like the old days when we were thought of as less competent, less creative. No!