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Generation Bold Radio

Aug 27, 2021

Monique Sternin is the co-founder of the Positive Deviance Approach & Initiative, and Adjunct Associate Professor, at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Over the past 25 years, Monique has been involved in developing and promoting the Positive Deviance Approach, an asset-based method...

Aug 23, 2021

Dr. Fossel is the driving force behind Telocyte™ and has been the leader in proposing the use of telomerase to treat human disease for the past two decades. Born in 1950, Michael Fossel grew up in New York, and lived in London, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Portland, and Denver. He graduated cum laude from Phillips...

Aug 9, 2021

Keith Comito is a computer programmer and mathematician whose work brings together a variety of disciplines to provoke thought and promote social change. He has created video games, bioinformatics programs, musical applications, and biotechnology projects featured in Forbes and NPR.

In addition to developing...